Sewer Cleaning Company in Cayley, AB

When most people think of hazards, natural disasters and fires may come to mind. However, other dangers can start in your own house. Sewage backup is a indoor issue that can worsen if neglected. Even if the liquid spilling out is safe, stagnant water invites different kinds of pathogens. Instead of risking your health, contact Paul Davis to handle it.

Expert Backup Removal

The gross factor is not the main reason to steer clear of sewer backup. Disease-ridden gray and black water can leak into your potable water in some cases of overflows. Even usable water can bring disease in stagnant water. For example, Leptospirosis, E. Coli are just samples of the illnesses living in raw sewage. Black water comes from past the toilet trap and typically carries or has met with solid waste. Black water typically contains or has met with solid waste and stays stagnant enough to grow serious pathogens. Lake and river water may also carry black water. If you experience a black water flood at your house or business, contact the Paul Davis experts promptly.

Call Paul

If you ever witness a sewer leak at home, contact Paul Davis. With years of training, we know how to deal with the dangerous chemicals in black and gray water safely. Call our branch in Cayley with any questions you may have. The longer you wait to remove water or sewer damage, the more serious the problem will be. Talk to us today!

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