Can Smoke Damage in the House Upset Your Health?

Among the most calamitous events that can transpire in your home is a fire. Even though the fire itself can be horrible and wreak havoc on your home, the byproduct of smoke can be harmful as well. Not only will you need fire damage repairs, but it's critical that you seek out smoke removal assistance. Even with a small fire, the smoke can infiltrate your property and find its way into your clothes, furnishings and any open spaces such as your walls. Some other annoyances are the odors that remain from it and the ash that can damage your home and the things inside it even further. With our expertise as a fire damage repair business, Paul Davis knows how smoke can impact a home, and we know about the major ramifications that can arise from it. Having to take care of a fire and fire damages is demanding enough, and it's understandable that you'd forget about getting the smoke damage remedied after you've had a house fire. However, it's crucial to take care of the smoke and soot because smoke damage can affect your health, and it is unsafe to live under these conditions. In order to prevent health issues down the road, you should get an expert to rid the smoke damage from your residence.

Health Risks Involved with Residing in a Smoke Damaged House

Tar and carbon are some of the byproducts from smoke, and if these are inhaled over a period of time, they can damage your lungs. Carbon monoxide is a big problem to consider too. It's an extremely harmful gas that displaces oxygen in the blood when inhaled, which takes oxygen away from the heart, brain and other organs. After your residence has undergone a fire, an expert can come by and test the carbon monoxide levels in your home. Carbon monoxide, tar and other particles that are produced from smoke contamination can cause some alarming health problems, these are comprised of:

  • Respiratory Issues – Breathing can really be diminished by smoke contamination. Even if the area is clear from smoke, the effects could be ingrained in your carpet, walls, furniture and any other open area that smoke can find its way into. If you come into contact with a smoke contaminated space, you're in danger of breathing in particles and residue that were left behind. This can produce sinus and lung issues which could lead to major health issues later on.
  • Skin Damage – Major skin irritation that can't be healed by lotion can be provoked from smoke residue and soot, which could potentially need medical attention. Since smoke can get into clothing and furniture, there may be particles lingering that harm the skin.
  • Eye Irritation – Red, itchy, watery eyes are a common problem derived from smoke particles lingering in your home. If the problem isn't addressed, not only will your eyes be irritated, but more damage could be sustained.

Don't Let Smoke Damage Affect Your Well-Being - Get Expert Help

Through our expertise in providing fire damage restoration jobs, Paul Davis realizes how vital it is to remove smoke contamination from your house. Don't let the problem go neglected because it is unsafe to live in a smoke damaged space. A local franchise near your area is is ready to assist. Contact us at +1-403-696-8886.